Pocono Northeast Documents and Articles 1

Here is part of a document related to PNER :



The Delaware Valley Rail Passenger

September 1994 Vol. XII, No. 9

ISSN 1073-6859

Published by the Delaware Valley Association of Railroad Passengers in the
interest of continued, improved, and expanded rail service for the present
and potential railroad and rail transit passengers of southeastern
Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and nearby areas.

For more information about DVARP and good rail service, please contact us:
P.O. Box 7505, Philadelphia, PA 19101 215-222-3373
<mmitchell@asrr.arsusda.gov> or <73243.1224@compuserve.com>

The electronic edition is produced as a public service to the network
community. It is archived on the CUNYVM Listserver in the RAILNEWS
directory. An index of back issues is available by sending INDEX RAILNEWS
to LISTSERV@CUNYVM. Thanks to Geert K. Marien (GKMQC@CUNYVM) for
maintaining this archive! If you have comments or questions, contact us,
not Geert!

The DVRP is also archived on these FTP servers
ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/graphics/trains/text *OR*
graphics/trains/incoming ftp://hipp.etsu.edu/pub/railroad/dvarp (Thanks to
Bob Weir) Volumes X (1992) and XI (1993) are on floppy disk for $4.00 each
from DVARP.

Now on World Wide Web! Visit the Cyberspace World Railroad [gGeneral
Superintendent: Dan Dawdy] http://venus.mcs.com/~dsdawdy/cyberroad.html

We hope you consider joining DVARP; your financial support makes possible
this newsletter and our many other activities on behalf of rail and transit
passengers. Annual dues are $15.00. see the coupon at ##V.

Contents copyright (C) 1994 DVARP, except photos (C) 1994 credited

Opinions expressed in The Delaware Valley Rail Passenger are not
necessarily those of DVARP or its members. We welcome your comments: call

DVARP President: Chuck Bode Newsletter Editor: Matthew Mitchell
Production Manager: Tom Borawski for other officers and committee chairs,
search for ##U

Schedule change alert: New SEPTA R8 schedules are in effect SEPTA City
Transit schedules change Sept. 12.

Hot Rails? A man was arrested for removing a quarter-mile of track from a dormant branch of the Scranton-area Pocono Northeast Railroad and selling it to a scrapyard. Though the scrap value of the steel rail is $15,000, it will cost about $100,000 for labor and materials to relay the tracks.



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